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Data Handling

There are four key types of data in GreyScript:


There are also objects, but we will deal with these later in the API.


Strings in GreyScript should be enclosed in double quotes "like this". If you wish to use quotation marks within a string itself, you must double them.

Use proper quotes
print("check this out") // "check this out"
print('this fails') // error: you must use " "

print("print(""hello"")") // outputs 'print("hello")'

Numbers can be concatenated with a string (the number will be converted to a string)

String + number
print("1 plus " + 3 + " = 4") // "1 plus 3 = 4"

Strings may be multiplied or divided by a number

String multiplication and division
"test" * 3 // "testtesttest"
"test" * 3.5 // "testtestte"
"test" / 4 // "t"

String Operators


For the following operator examples, the variables are defined as below:

s = "apple"
t = "orange"
n = 3
m = 5

Operator Operation Returns Outcome
s + t concatenation string formed by concatenating t onto s appleorange
s + m numbers can be concatenated onto a string apple5
s * n replication s repeated n times appleappleapple
s * 2.5 fractions of s for float 2.5 appleappleap
s / n division equivalent to s * (1 / n) a
t[m] index character m of t e
t[-1] supports negative index e
s[:n] left slice substring of s from index 0 to n app
s[n:] right slice substring of s from index n to the end le
s[n:m] slice substring of s from char n up to m le
s == t equals 1 if s equals t (case-sensitive) or else 0 0
s != t not equals 1 if s is not equal to t, or else 0 1
s > t greater than 1 if s.len is greater than t, or else 0 0
s >= t greater than or equal 1 if s is greater than or equal to t, else 0 0
s < t less than 1 if s.len is less than t, else 0 1
s <= t less than or equal 1 if s.len is less than or equal to t, else 0 1

String Functions


For the following functions, example snippets will use the variables defined below:

title = "Saving Private Ryan"


Remove the first occurrence of a substring from a string

Returns the string without the first occurrence of substr (string)

Example Usage
title.remove("nope") // "Saving Private Ryan" (unaltered)
title.remove("i") // "Savng Private Ryan" (removes first instance of "i" only)
title.remove("av") // "Sing Private Ryan"
title.remove("av").remove(" Ryan") + "ly!" // "Sing Privately!"

Remember: strings are immutable

All string functions return a new string, leaving the original string unaffected by any mutations. If we wanted to modify title, we would need to redeclare it.

print(title) // "Saving Private Ryan"

title = title.remove("av")
print(title) // "Sing Private Ryan"


Does the index (int) exist?

Returns 1 (true) or 0 (false)

Example Usage
title.hasIndex(0) // 1
title.hasIndex(11) // 1
title.hasIndex(22) // 0

indexOf(substr, begin=null)

Get the index of the first substring (string) within string. Optionally searches after begin (int index)

Returns index (int) or null (substring not found)

Example Usage
title.indexOf("R") // 15
title.indexOf("av") // 1
title.indexOf("Matt Damon") // null
title.indexOf("i") // 3
title.indexOf("i", 5) // 9

i = title.indexOf("P")
if i then
  print(title[i:]) //prints "Private Ryan"
end if


Get the index of the last substring (substr) within string. Takes a string.

Returns index (int) or null (substring not found)

Example Usage
title.lastIndexOf("a") // 17


This function only currently exists for strings, but list.lastIndexOf and map.lastIndexOf will be coming soon.

slice(str, start, end)

Takes a string (or list), start (int) and optional end (int)

Returns string str from index start to index end

Example Usage
slice(title, 0, 6) // "Saving"
slice(title, 7) // "Private Ryan"
slice(title, -4) // "Ryan"
slice(title, 0, -4) // "Saving Private"

Slice is special

slice() is the only string function that cannot be used with the dot index (i.e. you cannot call title.slice(0, 6)). You could either use slice(title, 3, 6) or title[3:6].


Takes a separator (string)

Returns a list object of substrings (or null on error)

Example Usage
title.split(" ") // ["Saving", "Private", "Ryan"]
title.split("a") // ["S", "ving Priv", "te Ry", "n"]
title.split("blah") // ["Saving Private Ryan"]

The reverse of list.join

replace(old, new)

Takes two string values

Returns the string with any instances of substring old replaced with new

Example Usage
title.replace("Ryan", "Gosling") // "Saving Private Gosling"
"aaabbbccc".replace("b", "x") // "aaaxxxccc"
title.replace(slice(title, title.indexOf("P")), "Mr. Banks") // "Saving Mr. Banks"


Returns the string stripped of any spacing at the beginning or end

Example Usage
"No change".trim // "No change"
"   Strip off some spacing ".trim // "Strip off some spacing"


Returns a list object containing indexes of all characters in the string

Example Usage
title.indexes // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]


Returns the unicode code point (int) of the first character of the string

Example Usage
title.code // 83 (unicode decimal for "S")
title[7:].code // 80 (unicode decimal for "P")
"x".code // 120

The reverse of char


Returns length of string (int)

Example Usage
title.len / 19
"abc".len // 3
"".len // 0


Returns str in lowercase (string)

Example Usage
title.lower // "saving private ryan"


Returns str in uppercase (string)

Example Usage
title.upper // "SAVING PRIVATE RYAN"


Converts str to a number

Returns number if string represents a valid number, 0 if not

Example Usage
title.val // 0 (no numbers in the title string)
"four".val // 0 (no numbers in this string)
"4".val // 4
"0.816" // 0.816

n = "4 2"
n.val // 0
n[0].val // 4
n.remove(" ").val // 42

The reverse of str


Returns a list object consisting of all the individual characters in str

Example Usage
title.values // ["S", "a", "v", "i", "n", "g", " ", "P", "r", "i", "v", "a", "t", "e", " ", "R", "y", "a", "n"]


Converts str to an integer

Returns int if string represents a valid integer, or otherwise returns string str

Example Usage
"five".to_int // "five" (string)
"0.92".to_int // "0.92" (string)

"5".to_int // 5 (int number)

n = "3 8"
n.to_int // "3 8" (string)
n[0].to_int // 3 (int number)
n.remove(" ").to_int // 38 (int number)


This function is similar to string.val above, but is designed to convert a string to an integer (a whole number), while the val function supports floats (decimal numbers) as well as integers.


Number Operators


For the following operator examples, the variables are defined as below:

a = 8
b = 5

Operator Operation Returns Outcome
a + b addition numeric sum of a and b 13
a - b subtraction numeric difference of a and b 3
a * b multiplication a multiplied by b 40
a / b division a divided by b 1.6
a % b modulo remainder after dividing a by b 3
a ^ b power a raised to the power of b 32768
a and b logical and a * b, clamped to the range [0,1] 1
a or b logical or a + b - a*b, clamped to the range [0,1] 1
not a negation 1 - abs(a), clamped to the range [0,1] 0
a == b equality 1 if a equals b, else 0 0
a != b inequality 1 if a is not equal to b, else 0 1
a > b greater than 1 if a is greater than b, else 0 1
a >= b greater than or equal 1 if a is greater than or equal to b, else 0 1
a < b less than 1 if a is less than b, else 0 0
a <= b less than or equal 1 if a is less than or equal to b, else 0 0

Number Functions


For the following functions, example snippets will use the variables defined below:

p = 4
q = 0.5
r = 3.142
s = -1


Returns the absolute value of num (number, i.e. int or float)

Example Usage
abs(p) // 4
abs(r) // 3.142


Returns the arccosine of num in radians (number)

Example Usage
acos(p) // error: NaN
acos(q) // 1.0471975511966
acos(r) // error: NaN
acos(s) // 3.14159265358979


Returns the arcsine of num in radians (number)

Example Usage
asin(p) // error: NaN
asin(q) // 0.523598775598299
asin(r) // error: NaN
asin(s) // -1.5707963267949


Returns the arctangent of num in radians (number)

Example Usage
atan(p) // 1.32581766366803
atan(q) // 0.463647609000806
atan(r) // 1.26266472700191
atan(s) // -0.785398163397448


Returns the tangent of rad (number radians)

Example Usage
tan(p) // 1.15782128234958
tan(q) // 0.54630248984379
tan(r) // 0.000407346432737146
tan(s) // -1.5574077246549


Returns the cosine of rad (number radians)

Example Usage
cos(p) // -0.653643620863612
cos(q) // 0.877582561890373
cos(r) // -0.999999917034452
cos(s) // 0.54030230586814


Returns the sine of rad (number radians)

Example Usage
sin(p) // -0.756802495307928
sin(q) // 0.479425538604203
sin(r) // -0.000407346398941426
sin(s) // -0.841470984807897


Returns the unicode character (string) with code point int

Example Usage
char(120) // "x"
char(98) // "b"
char(82) // "R"
char(9999999) // null

The reverse of string.code


Returns a number floored to the base integer

Example Usage
floor(q) // 0
floor(r) // 3
floor(4.97381) // 4

Also see ceil and round

range(start, end=0, inc=null)

Returns a list object containing values from start through to end, in increments of inc

Takes a starting number, optional end (number) and optional inc (number). If inc is not defined, the increment defaults to 1 (if end > start) or otherwise to -1

Example Usage
range(q, p, q) // [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4]
range(s, p) // [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] (inc defaults to -1)
range(1, 5) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (inc defaults to 1)
range(2, 10, 2) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
range(1, 10, 2) // [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

//the only required parameter is the starting number
range(p) // [4, 3, 2, 1, 0] (counts down to default end 0 in increment of -1)

round(x, d=0)

Returns a number rounded to d decimal places

Example Usage
round(q) // 0 (0.5 or less will be rounded down)
round(r) // 3
round(0.51) // 1

round(q, 1) // 0.5
round(r, 1) // 3.1
round(6.275, 2) // 6.27

Also see floor and ceil


Returns a random float between 0 and 1

If seed number is provided, this seeds the random number generator with the given value

Example Usage
rnd // 0.8272635177252416
rnd // 0.1047530992811462 (random each time)

rnd(9.2) // 819
rnd(9.2) // 819 (same seed means the same result)
Random whole numbers between x and y

If we wanted to generate a random number from 1 to 10:

floor((rnd * 10) + 1)
The above uses rnd to generate a random 0-1 float (e.g. 0.46), multiplies this by the max (e.g. 0.46 * 10 = 4.6), adds 1 (5.6) and then floors the number down to the base integer (5).

Still, we could even avoid the use of the rnd function altogether:

r = range(1, 1000) // generates a list of numbers: [1, 2, ... 999, 1000]
r.shuffle // shuffles the list
r.pull // returns the first number from the shuffled list and removes it from the list
r.pull // returns the first number from the updated list
r.pull // we can keep pulling numbers from the shuffled array; no need to instantiate new vars


Returns the sign of num, either -1 (if num < 0), 0 (if num == 0), or 1 if num > 0

Example Usage
sign(p) // 1
sign(q) // 1
sign(r) // 1
sign(s) // -1
sign(0) // 0


Returns the square root of num (number)

Example Usage
sqrt(p) // 2
sqrt(q) // 0.707106781186548
sqrt(r) // 1.77256875748164
sqrt(s) // NaN (s is a negative int)
sqrt(0) // 0
sqrt(36) // 6


Returns the string value of n

Example Usage
str(p) // "4"
str(q) // "0.5"
str(r) // "3.142"
str(s) // "-1"

str("4") // "4" (if the input data is already a string, it will be returned)
str("abc") // "abc"

The reverse of string.val


Returns a number raised to the next or equal integer

Example Usage
ceil(p) // 4
ceil(q) // 1
ceil(r) // 3
ceil(4.0001) // 5

Also see floor and round


Returns 3.14159265358979 (float)

Will this ever be useful?

Probably not 😛


Lists are essentially arrays, but they may consist of mixed data types, including strings, numbers, maps and other lists.

All these are valid lists

nums = [2, 4, 6, 8]
fruits = ["apple", "orange", "banana", "pineapple"]
mixed = [5, "six", [7, 8, 9], { 10: "ten" }, fruits]

Unlike maps, lists are ordered, and like normal arrays they are accessible by an index (starting with zero).

Example Code
list = ["a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3]

print(list[0]) // "a"
print(list[3]) // "d"
print(list[5]) // 2
print(list[-4]) // "d"

List Operators

Like strings, lists can be sliced, replicated, and concatenated.

You can concatenate two lists with +, replicate or cut a list with * and /, and access elements or sublists using the slice function or operator.


For the following operator examples, the variables are defined as below:

u = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // in practice, we could simply use 'range(1, 5)'
v = ["almond", "banana", "cucumber", "date", "edamame"]
w = range(6, 8)
x = ["G", "H"]
n = 2

Operator Operation Returns Outcome
u + w concatenation list formed by concatenating w to u [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
x * n replication x repeated n times ["G", "H", "G", "H"]
x * 1.5 fractions of x for float 1.5 ["G", "H", "G"]
x / n division equivalent to x * (1/n) ["G"]
v[n] index element n of v (indexes start at 0; negative indexes count from the end) "cucumber"
u[:n] left slice sublist of u up to but not including element n [1, 2]
u[n:] right slice sublist of u from element n to the end [3, 4, 5]
v[n:5] slice sublist of v from index n up to but not including element 5 ["cucumber", "date", "edamame"]

Remember: lists are mutable

Unlike strings, when you slice, divide, replicate or concatenate lists, they are modified and any mutations are reflected in references to that list.

Be careful with shared references
a = [1, 2, 3] // creates a list assigned to a
b = a // assigns the same list to variable b
a[-1] = 5 // changes the last element of the list to '5'
print(b) // prints '[1, 2, 5]'

In the example above, b is a reference of a, and both variables share a reference to the same list.

If we want to duplicate a as a new list in its own right, a quick shortcut is to slice the list from index zero, returning a new list for b containing all the elements from a:

Duplicate a list
a = [1, 2, 3] // creates a list assigned to a
b = a[0:] // duplicates the entire list a to variable b
a[-1] = 5 // changes the last element of the first list to '5'
print(a) // prints '[1, 2, 5]'
print(b) // prints '[1, 2, 3]' (the second list was not modified)

List Functions


For the following functions, example snippets will use the variables defined below:

companies = ["Google", "Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft"]
numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8]

mixed = [companies, numbers] //[["Google","Twitter","Facebook","Apple","Microsoft"], [1,2,3,4,5]]
Remember that mixed above will be a shared reference of the two vars numbers and companies, so mutations to either of the contents of these lists will result in a change to mixed.

slice(list, start, end)

Takes a list, start (int index) and optional end (int index)

Returns a separate list containing the elements in list from index start to index end.

Example Usage
slice(companies, 1, 3) // ["Twitter", "Facebook"]
print(companies) // ["Google", "Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft"]

slice(companies, 2) // ["Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft"]

Slice is special

slice() is the only list function that cannot be used with the dot index (i.e. you cannot call companies.slice(1, 3)). You could either use slice(companies, 1, 3) or companies[1:3].


Does index (int) exist in the list?

Returns 1 (true) if the list contains the index or 0 (false) if not

Example Usage
companies.hasIndex(4) // 1
companies.hasIndex(5) // 0
numbers.hasIndex(2) // 1
numbers.hasIndex(4) // 0

if companies.hasIndex(4) then
  print(companies[4]) // prints "Microsoft"
end if

indexOf(val, begin=null)

Get the index of the first element matching val (any). Optionally searches after begin (int index)

Returns index (int) of the first matching element or null if there are no matches

Example Usage
companies.indexOf("Google") // 0
companies.indexOf("Apple") // 3
companies.indexOf("Yahoo") // null

numbers.indexOf(2) // 0
numbers.indexOf(6) // 2

multi.indexOf(numbers) // 1

numbers.push({ "ten": 10 }) // [2, 4, 6, 8, "nine", {"ten": 10}]
numbers.indexOf({"ten": 10}) // 5

companies.push("Twitter") // ["Google", "Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft", "Twitter"]
companies.indexOf("Twitter") // 1
companies.indexOf("Twitter", 1) // 5


Removes an item from the list with the provided index (int)

Example Usage
print(companies) // ["Google", "Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft"]

print(companies) // ["Google", "Facebook", "Microsoft"]

Mutable list functions

List objects can be modified in their place by list.push, list.pop, list.pull, list.remove, list.shuffle, list.sort, and list.reverse


Takes a separator (string)

Concatenates all items within the list (any non-string items will be converted to a string) and returns them in a single string (separated by the separator)

Example Usage
companies.join(" ") // "Google Twitter Facebook Apple Microsoft"
companies.join("/") // "Google/Twitter/Facebook/Apple/Microsoft"

The reverse of str.split


Pushes a new value (any) onto the end of the list

Returns the updated list (and updates the list in its place)

Example Usage

companies.push("Amazon") // ["Google", "Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft", "Amazon"]
numbers.push(10) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
numbers.push("twelve") // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, "twelve"]
numbers.push([14, 16]) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, "twelve", [14, 16]]
numbers.push({18: "eighteen"}) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, "twelve", [14, 16], {18: "eighteen"}]
Because push returns the list object, we can use chaining:
print(numbers) // [2, 4, 6, 8]
numbers.push(10).push(12) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]


Returns the last element of the list, and removes that element from the list

Example Usage
companies.pop // "Microsoft"
print(companies) // ["Google", "Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple"]

multi.pop // [2, 4, 6, 8]


Returns the first element of the list, and removes that element from the list

Example Usage
companies.pull // "Google"
print(companies) // ["Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft"]

multi.pull // ["Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft"]
//remember the first item of 'multi' references 'companies', from which we just pulled "Google"


Randomly rearranges the elements in the list

Returns null

Example Usage
print(companies) // ["Microsoft", "Twitter", "Google", "Apple", "Facebook"]


Reverses the list, rearranging the elements in reverse order.

Example Usage
print(companies) // ["Microsoft", "Apple", "Facebook", "Twitter", "Google"]


Sorts the list alphanumerically. Where the list contains map objects, sorts by value of an optional given key (any)

Returns the updated list (and updates the list in its place)

Example Usage
print(companies) // ["Apple", "Facebook", "Google", "Microsoft", "Twitter"]

print([4,2,1,3].sort) // [1, 2, 3, 4]

people = [{"first_name":"John", "last_name":"Albertson", "age":32},]
people.push({"first_name":"Albert", "last_name":"Johnson", "age":41})
people.push({"first_name":"Stephen", "last_name":"Roberts", "age":26})
people.push({"first_name":"Robert", "last_name":"Stephenson", "age":54})
people.push({"first_name":"Billy", "last_name":"Zane", "age":21})

for p in people
  print(p.first_name) // loops through people, printing Albert, Billy, John, Robert, and Stephen
end for

for p in people.sort("last_name")
  print(p.first_name) // loops through people, printing John, Albert, Stephen, Robert, and Billy
end for

for p in people.sort("age")
  print(p.first_name) // loops through people, printing Billy, Stephen, John, Albert, and Robert
end for


Returns a list object containing the list's indexes

Example Usage
companies.indexes // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
numbers.indexes // [0, 1, 2, 3]


Returns the length of the list (int)

Example Usage
companies.len // 5
numbers.len // 4
multi.len // 2


Returns the total (int) of all numeric values in the list

This applies to numbers only and excludes strings, lists and maps within the list

Example Usage
companies.sum // 0 (companies contains no numbers)
numbers.sum // 20
[14, 9.27, 3.352].sum // 26.622


Returns a list containing all the values within the list

Example Usage
companies.values // ["Google", "Twitter", "Facebook", "Apple", "Microsoft", "Amazon"]


Maps are essentially dictionaries (somewhat like JSON), consisting of key and value pairs.

Map values may be retrieved by dot index (map.key) or index (map["key"])

Example Code
y = {"key": "value"}
print(y.key) //prints 'value'
print(y["key"]) //prints 'value'
print({"colour": "green"}.colour) //prints 'green'
print({"colour": "green"}["colour"]) //prints 'green'

There are exceptions to the dot index:

Example Code
try = {"1234": "I declare a thumb war", "fruits": {"apple": "green", "banana": "yellow"}}
print(try["1234"]) //prints 'I declare a thumb war'
print(try.1234) //error - the dot index must begin with a letter

print(try.fruits.banana) //prints 'yellow'
choice = "apple"
print(try.fruits.choice) // error - no parsing a variable as a dot index
print(try.fruits[choice]) // error - mixing dot and regular indexes
print(try["fruits"][choice]) //prints 'green'

Map keys can be numbers, but remember this means you must use the regular index (because the dot index only works when the key begins with a letter):

Example Code
z = {29: "something awesome", 12: "something excellent", "37": "something fancy", 0.42: "42%"}
print(z.29) //error: dot index needs a key that starts with a letter
print(z["29"]) //error: key not found
print(z[29]) //prints 'something awesome'
print(z[13]) //error: key not found
print(z[37]) //prints 'something fancy'
print(z[0.42]) //prints '42%'
print(z[0]) //error. Maps are not lists. No numerical indexes unless the index is a defined key.
Quick Challenge

map = {"brands": ["Apple", "Microsoft", "Facebook", "Google"]}
Applying the examples above, which one of the following is correct:
Error. "0" is a string, a list needs an int index
Error. A list needs an int index in []
Error. Mixes dot and regular indexes
Correct. Prints "Apple"

Example of Maps inside Maps

Let's apply the above knowledge and write a short script that prints: Your name is John Doe and your favourite thing is something (random key and its matching value)

info = {"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "favourites": {"game": "Grey Hack", "flavour": "mango", "website": "", "colour": "red", "movie": "Groundhog Day"}}
r = info.favourites.indexes //returns a list object of favourites map keys
r.shuffle //shuffles the list of favourites map keys
f = r.pull //returns the first key from the list
print("Your name is " + info.first_name + " " + info.last_name + " and your favourite " + f + " is " + info["favourites"][f])

Map Functions


For the following functions, example snippets will use the variables defined below:

map = {0: "zero", "1": "one", "two": 2, "more": [3, 4, 5]}


Does map.key exist? The key may be a string or integer.

Returns 1 (true) or 0 (false)

Example Usage
map.hasIndex(0) // 1
map.hasIndex(1) // 0
map.hasIndex("1") // 1
map.hasIndex("two") // 1
map.hasIndex("five") // 0

indexOf(value, begin=null)

Get the index (in maps, this will be the key) of a value. Optionally searches after begin (any key)

Returns key (string or int) or null (key/value not found)

Example Usage
map.indexOf("zero") // 0
map.indexOf("one") // "1"
map.indexOf(2) // "two"
map.indexOf([3,4,5]) // "more"
map.indexOf("five") // null
map.indexOf("zero", 0) // null

map[99] = 2 // {0: "zero", "1": "one", "two": 2, "more": [3, 4, 5], 99: 2}
map.indexOf(2, "two") // 99

First key only

If the map contains more than one key with the same value, this function will return only the first key


Pushes a new key (string or number) onto the end of map, with value of 1

Returns the updated map object

Example Usage
map.push("j") //the map object is updated
print(map) //print the updated map
// {0: "zero", "1": "one", "two": 2, "more": [3, 4, 5], "j": 1}

print(map.push("k")) // push also returns the map object
// {0: "zero", "1": "one", "two": 2, "more": [3, 4, 5], "j": 1, "k": 1}

map["l"] = 12; //alternative to push, allowing us to declare the value
map[6] = "six";
// {0: "zero", "1": "one", "two": 2, "more": [3, 4, 5], "j": 1, "k": 1, "l": 12, 6: "six"}

Remember: maps are mutable

Map objects can be modified in their place by map.push, map.pop, map.remove, and map.shuffle


Remove an item from a map, by its key (string or int)

Returns 1 (true) or 0 (false)

Example Usage
print(map) // {"1": "one", "more": [3, 4, 5]}

print(map.remove("more")) // 1 (success)
print(map.remove("nope")) // 0 (fail, as this key does not exist)

map.remove(map.indexOf([3,4,5])) //remove an item from map by its value
print(map) // {"1": "one"}


Returns a list object containing all the map keys

Example Usage
map.indexes // [0, "1", "two", "more"]
print(map.indexes[2]) //error: using a list in this way requires a reference
list = map.indexes //instantiates the list to this variable
print(list[2]) //prints the third key: "two"


Returns the length of the map (int)

Example Usage
map.len // 4


Returns the key (string or int) of the first element in the map, and removes that element from the map

Example Usage
map.pop // 0
desserts = {"peach": "cobbler", "apple": "pie"}
desserts.pop // "peach"
print(desserts) // {"apple": "pie"}


Randomly remaps values in a map, leaving the keys in their original order

Returns null

Example Usage
print(map) // {0: 2, "1": "zero", "two": [3, 4, 5], "more": "one"}

print(map) // {0: [3, 4, 5], "1": 2, "two": "zero", "more": "one"}


Returns the total (int) of all numeric values in the map

This applies to numbers only and excludes strings, lists and maps within the map

Example Usage
map.sum // 2 (2 is the only sole integer value in our example map)


Returns a list containing all the values within the map

Example Usage
map.values // ["zero", "one", 2, [3, 4, 5]]